Wednesday, August 24, 2005

You've Written An Ariticle, Now What?

You've finally written your first article. Congratulations! Now what do you do with your article?

First you need to make sure to add a "how to publish" statement to the begninning of your article. You also need to end your article with a resource box.

A "how to publish" statement reads something like this:

"Please feel free to publish this article on your web site and/or in your e-book or newsletters with the authors resource box included and without any changes to the article. (Add your contact e-mail)" If you'd like them to inform you as to where and how your article will be used, just ask them to send a complimentary copy of the ezine, or a link to where your article is published.

A resource box appears at the end of an article. This is what makes your article a powerful viral marketing tool. It tells the reader valuable information about you, your services and the link to your website.

Here's an example of a resource box:

Debra Simpson, has been helping small business owners use the internet to market and grow their businesses. Her website, Magic In Words offers plenty of information to help you make "magic" with your words.

Next, begin submitting your article to article submission sites. These sites are specifically for articles and are where ezine publishers and web masters go for free content for the ezines and web sites.

Below are a few sites to get you started. The first few Article Submission Sites are Yahoo Groups. You have to be a member of the group and each group will have a subscribe address. Joining and submitting is very easy. Just go to their site and follow from there. --400 words or less

As you write articles, keep in mind that you can bundle the articles together to create an ebook. But, that will need to wait for another day!

Recommended Reading
Article Magic

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