Monday, May 29, 2006

Five Ways to boost Your Ezine Subscribers

  1. Show your potential subscribers a sample issue of your e-zine. You might want to consider showing them portions, blacking out or blocking some of the important info. Tthis will make them curious about what they are missing and more likely to subscribe.
  2. Give away a free follow-up autoresponder course. When my visitors subscribe to my newsletter they are given a 6 part autoresponder course on internet marketing. Publish your e-zine ad in each lesson. The more people see it, the higher the chance they'll subscribe.
  3. Offer your potential customers a discount on a particular product you sell if they subscribe to your free e-zine.
  4. Look for strategic partners and give them permission to give a free subscription to your e-zine as a bonus for a product they sell.
  5. Ask your potential subscribers questions that'll persuade them to subscribe like: "Would you like to be able to retire before you're 40?"

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